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HomeEmployeesEmployee performance evaluation

Learn more about Employee Performance Evaluation in India

Employee performance reviews are designed to assess both overall performance and progress toward specific goals. When properly structured, performance reviews are an opportunity to recognize an employee’s work, see areas for improvement, and identify the professional development and training needed to move forward. Thus, it is useful to use an employee performance assessment in India to evaluate the progress of employees within a company by gathering information about their skills, goals, and achievements. Use our performance appraisal template to best assess the performance and areas of improvement of your staff. This form will help you analyze the goals you have achieved and stimulate your employees to get a better rating.

Table of contents

What is a Job Performance review?

A performance appraisal is a employee management process by which an individual employee’s behavior and achievements over a specified period of time are measured and evaluated. This evaluation is done by filling out a form. The form is used to evaluate the progress of employees within a company by gathering information on their skills, goals and achievements.

Once these evaluations are completed, it is essential to keep them for your human resources (HR) department. These evaluations can be used to determine salary, career opportunities and training to grow the business. The performance appraisal is usually given to the employee by his or her manager. Through this form, the manager observes the staff’s efforts, overall performance and output.

These forms will lead to promote deserving employees according to their performance and/or take measures to improve a situation in the opposite case. Thus, it helps to establish a healthy work environment based on meritocracy as well as the determination, motivation and involvement of employees, and consequently to the sustainable development of the company.

Why employers evaluate their Employees' Performance?

It is customary to evaluate employee performance at least once a year regardless of the size of the company. It is essential to set up an employee evaluation system in order to identify your best employees. It is about creating a stimulating work dynamic for your employees.

Each employee receives feedback from his or her superiors on the assignments performed. All staff deficiencies are known individually. It is also the easiest tool to distinguish, on the basis of which decisions on promotion, reimbursement, transfer or dismissal are made. Ultimately, this form relates the level of satisfaction of the employer and also establishes a communication between him and his employee.

Why use our Performance Evaluation model?

Performance appraisal is one of the important elements of the integral part of human resource management. Regular feedback on employee performance allows for comparison with previous years and highlights any downward trends before they become problematic. The employee also knows what criteria they will be evaluated on and will be encouraged to make efforts in those areas to achieve a positive evaluation. Thus, employee performance is critical to the company achieving its goals.

With Themis Partner’s performance appraisal form in English, you can collect information about the performance of your employees to get an accurate assessment of the work done by these employees.

What is the process for evaluating Employee Performance?

The performance evaluation of your employees must be prepared in advance. In order to best prepare for the evaluation interview, here are some steps to follow:

1. The employee fills out the form and gives it to the manager.

2. Manager completes the form.

3. Have the HR team complete the form and prepare for the interview.

4. Have the employee review the completed form.

5. Conduct the interview and identify all the employee’s positive and areas for improvement.

6. Submit the completed form to management team.

In this way, two objectives can be met, that of providing a complete evaluation to the employees but also that of establishing an action plan thanks to the axes of improvement for the months to come.

What are the indicators for evaluating employee?

The following is a list of items commonly used by companies that can be used as an evaluation grid:

➤ Punctuality
➤ Attitude
➤ Working on time
➤ Speed on tasks execution
➤ Team and group management
➤ Number of sales during the evaluation period
➤ Attitude
➤ Margin per item sold
➤ Quality of service provided
➤ Quality of customer service
➤ Speed of completion of tasks
➤ Number of positive customer returns

Nevertheless, as this list is not exhaustive, each company should adapt this evaluation grid to its specificities regarding the qualities and criteria it needs.

How to identify poor performance?

It is essential to identify the progress but also the poor performance of the employee in order to study the shortcomings of both the company and the employee. For this purpose, evaluation tools can take the form of interviews with the employee and/or evaluation forms (annual, semi-annual or monthly).

All these elements are essential to keep your employees qualified within your company. Indeed, if performance is not satisfactory, the employer can redefine job competencies, modify recruitment criteria, rethink management strategies or finance training for its employees.

In the event of repeated poor performance by an employee, and without a willingness on the part of the employee to improve his or her performance, the employer may also decide to terminate the employee for professional inadequacy based on the performance evaluations previously established. However, the notice period must be respected. Thus, these evaluations ensure that the staff is always performing better.

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