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Compliant with Indian law


Learn more about Invoice in India

An invoice is a formal document issued by a seller to a buyer, outlining the products or services provided, their costs, and the payment terms. It serves as a record of the transaction and is crucial for bookkeeping, tax reporting, and ensuring transparency between business parties. In India, invoices play a key role in complying with Goods and Services Tax (GST) regulations, as they are essential for GST filings and maintaining accurate financial records. Properly issued invoices help businesses avoid tax issues, streamline payments, and facilitate smooth transactions. Whether you run a small business or a large corporation, having a well-structured invoice is essential for maintaining financial clarity and compliance. Download our Invoice Form, easy to edit in Word format, tailored for use in India.

Table of contents

How to make an Invoice?

Creating, issuing, and managing invoices is a crucial element of running a business and is required for a consistent cash flow. As a result, it is critical for all entrepreneurs to understand how to prepare an invoice and the fundamental parts of an invoice.

Invoice Format

The buyer can get an invoice in either electronic or paper form. The government has made no specific format requirements. However, all invoices must include the basic information specified above, as required by law. Furthermore, all invoices must be serialized, and the same serial numbers may not be used on more than one invoice.

Invoicing Best Practices

Invoices can be issued in triplicate, with an original for the customer, a duplicate for the transporter, a triplicate for the supplier, and an extra copy if necessary. All invoices must be accompanied by the buyer’s purchase order, packing list (if applicable), and delivery challan. The invoice must be validated by a supplier authorized signature.

Is Invoice important in India?

In order to specify the commodities or services given and the rates applicable to various stakeholders, an invoice must be created. In order to collect money from a consumer, account for sales, prepare financial statements, and pay taxes to the government, an invoice is necessary. Invoices can also be used to seek input service tax or VAT credit as a supporting document for a registered dealer.

What is included in the Invoice?

All invoices must include the following components:

➤ Supplier's name, address, and registration number (service tax, VAT, or others)
➤ Buyer's name, address, and registration number
➤ Date of invoice
➤ Nature of goods or services supplied or rendered
➤ Quantity of goods or services supplied or rendered
➤ Value of goods or services supplied or rendered
➤ Rate of taxes (service tax, VAT, or others), as applicable
➤ Discount offered, if any
➤ Total amount excluding taxes
➤ Total taxes to be paid
➤ Total sum including taxes

When to make an Invoice?

Once a supply of goods or service is made or an advance for supply of goods or service is received, an invoice can be generated. In the event of ongoing provision of goods or services, an invoice might be raised within a specified time frame from the fulfillment of a milestone or as agreed upon. It is advisable to produce an invoice as soon as possible to guarantee that the customer pays on time. It is crucial to understand, however, that when an invoice is produced, a tax liability is also created. As a result, it is advised that invoices be generated only for goods/services for which payment is expected or has already been made.

What is the VAT in India?

In India, tax collection is enforced by state and is structured to include both center or federal components and state-specific components. In India, these taxes are known as GST (Goods and Services Tax), with GST directed nationally as CGST (Centre) and SGST (State). When products or services are delivered over state lines, the GST collected includes integrated GST (IGST) paid to the central government. IGST is also levied on products imported into India. The GST is the sum of these components, with the individual components paid to the appropriate government. There are 29 Indian states, each with its own SGST, however the usual state VAT rate will be between 12.5 percent and 15%. The Primary Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs (CBIC), a component of the federal department of revenue, is the central institution in charge of VAT/GST. The tax authorities at the state level differ.

The following are the VAT rates in India:

➤ Basic goods: NIL (0%)
➤ Luxury goods: gold, jewelry: 1%
➤ Daily consumption goods: oil, tea, coffee: 4-5%
➤ General: most consumer goods and services: 12-15%
➤ Vice goods: liquor, tobacco: Up to 28%

How to register for VAT/GST?


Individual sellers, suppliers, and organizations in India are obliged to register for VAT under certain situations. In India, the minimal yearly turnover for VAT registration is Rs.5 lakh. Any business with yearly income in excess of this amount resulting from the provision of VAT-liable products or services must register in the state or states where their activity is performed. Businesses who register for VAT will obtain a unique 11-digit registration number that will be used for all VAT-related communication.


To register as a non-resident taxable person, you must digitally sign and submit an application form directly to the relevant tax office, together with a copy of your valid passport and your country of origin’s tax identification number. You will obtain an electronic reference number once you have registered for VAT registration using the online Common Portal, allowing you to begin depositing and claiming VAT. Regardless of yearly revenue, all non-resident taxable individuals must register for VAT/GST at least five days before beginning business.

VAT is filed on a monthly or quarterly basis, depending on the turnover and kind of products or
services offered. For VAT/GST registration in India, the following documents are required:

➤ PAN number
➤ Personal information
➤ Registered business name and address
➤ Security deposit or surety towards GST payment
➤ Keeping inventory or maintaining warehouse in India

What are VAT/GST Returns?

All firms with an annual sales of more than Rs.5 lakhs and those without Indian residence must file
indirect tax forms, which may be done online. You must include any applicable sales invoices and
receipts for business-related purchases when filing. These are the two VAT components:

Output Tax

VAT collected from the end consumer by a supplier of taxable products or services is known as output tax. All registered suppliers are obligated to collect sales tax.

Input Tax

Any taxes paid by the supplier on business-related purchases and costs are referred to as input taxes. Suppliers who register for VAT/GST can claim back taxes on such expenditures in the form of input tax credits. You would be entitled to reclaim the difference if you paid more VAT/GST on operating costs than you obtained from the delivery of taxable goods or services.

All tax responsible and registered people or companies must furnish GST-compliant invoices in order to present proper tax data to the relevant authorities. It is also advised that you save all receipts for business-related costs to increase the likelihood that you will be able to reclaim VAT/GST when you submit.

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